Take Time to Celebrate!

Take Time to Celebrate!

Have you ever noticed how quick we are to congratulate a friend when great things happen? Or how easy it is to celebrate when our kids or a close friend make even a small step toward one of their goals? But when was the last time we stopped to celebrate our own...
I’d really appreciate your thoughts!

I’d really appreciate your thoughts!

(Survey has ended) I’m really excited about some upcoming projects that I have in the works for the new year! I’m working on designing some programs to help you and others in our community to move forward toward reclaiming their lives from chronic illness,...
Prioritizing Self-Care

Prioritizing Self-Care

No matter where we are in life, it seems like there’s just so much to worry about. Whether you’re in college juggling classwork, a stay-at-home mom hoping to just be able to get a shower, a full time employee with job stressors, or someone who is trying to...
The Power of the Great Outdoors

The Power of the Great Outdoors

There’s nothing quite so refreshing as being out in nature. In California, we’ve been waiting for the fires to clear, so today was the first time I’ve been able to get out for quite a while. It’s easy to forget how powerful it can be. There are...
The Power of One Little Word

The Power of One Little Word

Yes, it’s true. I do choose a favorite word usually about once a month. More like a mantra I guess. Most people have a favorite color, maybe a favorite dream car, or a favorite dessert, but how about a favorite word? Sounds odd at first, but I’ve found...
Playing the “What if…” Game

Playing the “What if…” Game

Our brain is absolutely amazing. The more we understand it and how it works, the better we’re able to make choices and decisions that support us and allow us to reach our goals. But as amazing as it is, sometimes it can just get stuck. The brain’s main...

Get started on your healing journey with this

Free E-book

Struggling with chronic illness, anxiety, or pain? Download Rewire Your Wellness and discover proven neural retraining tools to reclaim your health and joy. This free guide offers practical steps to calm your mind, heal your body, and take control of your wellness journey. Get started today and unlock the path to healing!
