
Lori Clemmons

You can reclaim your life from chronic illness, fatigue, pain, and anxiety

Hi, I’m Lori! I’m excited to share my story with you about my journey from bed-bound to living a life of joy, energy, and peace of mind. If I can do it, so can you!

My Approach

I believe we are all unique individuals with amazing strength and resilience that have gotten us to this point in our lives. We each have our own journey and are working the best we can to navigate our path. No matter the circumstances that have happened around us, we have the ability to choose to get the most out of each and every moment from this day forward.

I believe that the coaching process is not just about passing on information and things to “do” in order to pursue wellness. It’s about connecting with you as an individual, helping you to discover your goals and values, and assisting you to identify and implement the tools that work best for you. And, since each of us is so different, there is no one-size-fits-all tool that will work for everybody all the time. I will work with your unique situation and preferences to help you create a program that works for you, and continually help you to trouble shoot so you can stay on the road to creating your best life.


Lori Clemmons, Wellness Coach

My Story

My name is Lori Clemmons. I am a Certified Life Coach as well as a Certified Mindfulness Practitioner and a Nutritional Consultant. I’m excited to be able to combine all of this with additional training and my personal experience with neural retraining to coach others through this process to be able to find health and healing from so many debilitating symptoms. I’ve gone from being bed-bound to running my first 5K race in October, 2018! I’m enjoying my new life – my new-found freedom to go where I want and to do all the things that I enjoy! I’m so grateful to be able to share that journey with so many others who are where I have been.

I was always athletic and very energetic up until my late 20’s when I was suddenly bed-ridden with debilitating fatigue and migraine headaches. I had a couple of years of sleeping 20-22 hours a day and being unable to care for myself. After seeing countless doctors and finding no answers, it was suggested that perhaps I should see a psychiatrist. I did, and he said that yes, I was definitely sick, but no, I wasn’t depressed and he couldn’t help me.

Through the years, I had many ups and downs, but I always

dealt with the fatigue and headaches. I suffered from severe migraines that would come and go, without a clue of what would set them off. I eventually got diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, migraines, and Celiac Disease, which sounded like pretty mild labels for what I considered the life changing symptoms that I was suffering from.

After a few years, I gave birth to a son, and later we adopted a son and a daughter. My second son was diagnosed with autism. By using neural developmental (brain retraining) therapy in conjunction with diet, he is now recovered. Yes, recovery from autism is possible! I spent several years working with families affected by autism as a Nutritional Consultant, helping them use diet and nutrition to not only reduce some of the symptoms of autism, but to even recover as my son has.

As my health issues once again worsened, I was forced to stop working. In 2013 I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease along with several co-infections. We also discovered that we had a severe mold problem inside the walls of our home, and that it was causing many of our health problems. We moved away from the only home my children had ever known, leaving all of our belongings behind so as not to bring mold spores or mycotoxins along with us. What an emotional upheaval for all of us! We found a home that was safe for us to live in, but the stress of completely starting over had really taken a toll on all of us. I became very chemical sensitive and was unable to leave the house on most days because of reactions to perfumes, laundry detergent in the neighborhood, and random chemicals in public places. My list of “safe” foods began to dwindle until my diet consisted of only a few foods that I was not reacting to.

Early in 2018 I began trying out some neural plasticity techniques similar to those that had helped recover my son from autism, just to see if they would help. I was tentative at first because I thought that no way could this be the answer, but I was so encouraged by my early success, that I quickly jumped in with both feet! I researched and followed the work of Joe Dispenza, Norman Doidge, Dr. Michael Merzenich, Ashok Gupta, Annie Hopper, and many others. I also built on the work of the neural developmental (brain retraining) therapy that had helped my son recover from autism.

I am so excited to be able to offer coaching in neural retraining for others who have been dealing with many similar symptoms. I’m glad you’re here and I look forward to getting to know you.

My Education and Certifications

Academy of Modern Applied Psychology

– Life Coaching Practitioner Diploma

– Certified Mindfulness Practitioner

– Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma

– NLP Master Practitioner

– CBT Practitioner

National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine

– Treating Trauma Master Series

– How to work with Shame

Priority Academy

– EFT Master Practitioner

– NLP Master Practioner

– Solution Based Hypnotherapy Practioner

Building Emotional Resilience

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Dealing with the stress of chronic illness can be a lot to handle. My free e-book can get you started with self-care to help you slow down and build resilience.
