Navigating Healthy Self-Love

Navigating Healthy Self-Love

You’ve probably heard that we should have a healthy self-love, but really, what does that mean? Often self-love can be confused with narcissism, which is the thinking of I am perfect, or I deserve everything to go just the way I want. Healthy self-love is...
Take a Moment for Mindfulness

Take a Moment for Mindfulness

When we think of mindfulness, we tend to think of locking ourselves in our room, sitting quietly, and focusing on our breathe. Although that would be one way of practicing mindfulness, there are many other ways to incorporate mindfulness into our day. First, what is...


It’s an understatement to say that the past 12 months have been difficult. The uncertainties of the future in addition to the day to day stress of our fast paced culture can leave us feeling constantly on edge as we try to keep up with all that’s going on...
Mindful Relaxation

Mindful Relaxation

It’s an understatement to say that the past year has been difficult, and the difficulties show no sign of settling down any time soon. Dealing with stress and finding relaxation is not a luxury, but is an important and critical part of our self-care routine.But...
Use Your Imagination

Use Your Imagination

We’ve all got ’em. Those old habits that we just seem to keep falling back into. It can be anything, big or small, but we just can’t seem to overcome them. It might be something small like that bowl of ice cream every night even though you’ve...
In Search of Enough

In Search of Enough

How much time do you spend wishing you had “enough”? enough time to get everything on your to-do list doneenough energy to catch up with the housecleaningenough money to get all the bills paid and maybe even take a little vacationenough sleep to actually...

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Struggling with chronic illness, anxiety, or pain? Download Rewire Your Wellness and discover proven neural retraining tools to reclaim your health and joy. This free guide offers practical steps to calm your mind, heal your body, and take control of your wellness journey. Get started today and unlock the path to healing!
