Be Fully Present

Be Fully Present

We live in a fast, busy culture. It’s easy to find ourselves doing several activities at the same time and trying to juggle how to keep them all going. We fall into the thinking that if I can just get more done in a shorter amount of time, then I can finally...
Eliminate the “shoulds”

Eliminate the “shoulds”

We all have it – that voice that keeps saying, “I should…” I should fold the laundry, I should be able to do more, I should get out of bed. And it goes on all day. This inner critic is continually telling us all the things that we should do.And...
Get Curious!

Get Curious!

It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut. Even if it’s simple things like going shopping at the same grocery store every week, or eating the same breakfast cereal every morning. We tend to find things that are working for us and just continue. Or we can get...
Are you Trying Too Hard?

Are you Trying Too Hard?

I’m really loving spring here in Northern California – all the new growth and warmer weather! I’m enjoying the return of the hummingbirds, the appearance of deer grazing in our back yard, and especially the colorful flowers that have started...
Finding Your Happy Place

Finding Your Happy Place

This past week I was able to go on a short getaway for the first time in a while. It was wonderful to be able to slow down and relax, to go on hikes, and enjoy nature. I had time for lots of extra meditations, some photography, reading a couple of books, and just...
The Power of Setting Intentions

The Power of Setting Intentions

We’ve probably heard teachers or coaches instruct us to “set an intention” for this course, class, or practice session. And honestly, sometimes it sounds a bit corny. But when we consider how our brains work, teachers and coaches understand that...

Get started on your healing journey with this

Free E-book

Struggling with chronic illness, anxiety, or pain? Download Rewire Your Wellness and discover proven neural retraining tools to reclaim your health and joy. This free guide offers practical steps to calm your mind, heal your body, and take control of your wellness journey. Get started today and unlock the path to healing!
