Making Space for Joy (plus a free download)
It’s been so easy to get caught up in all the needs around me. I finally realized that my mind had become so overwhelmed by my “to do” list that I hadn’t taken time to deeply connect with myself, my values, and my priorities. My mind had become so full that there just wasn’t enough room for those important things like…
Confessions of a Procrastinator
I think all of us have procrastinated at one time or another. We know we WANT to get something done, we may even NEED to get it done, but for some reason we just can’t seem to do it. We get pulled into Netflix, scrolling on our phone, or even cleaning out the refrigerator.
Little Changes Go a Long Way
Let go of perfectionism, or the “all or nothing” thinking, and just focus on the little things. Little changes can go a long way to build a foundation of self compassion and self care. Once we have those foundations in place it’s much easier and more natural to add on some of those other things.
Take Time to Reflect (plus a free download)
But this morning I hiked up to my favorite spot to dig deeper into 2021 and I realized that there were some really amazing things that happened. Definitely not the type of things that made the news, but life-changing nonetheless.
Find Your Holiday Joy!
I don’t know about you, but the holiday season can be full of such high expectations that I can get lost in the stress and the things “to do” that I’m distracted and I end up exhausted and miss the opportunities to connect with those closest to me.
So the past few days I’ve become more aware – aware of where my time, energy, and emotional bandwidth have all been going. I’ve starting asking myself what I want to prioritize and what I’m willing to let go of. I’ve simplified my life by setting some priorities and letting go of those things that just don’t matter as much.
Baby Steps Add Up!
Any investment you can make in your mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual wellbeing will always, always, always be worth the time and energy. In fact, taking baby steps is the most effective way to begin any new endeavor.
Be Fully Present
When we are fully here in the present moment we’re able to let go of the regrets of the past as well as the anxieties about the future, and fully relax into the calm of the now.
Eliminate the “shoulds”
We all have it – that voice that keeps saying, “I should…” I should fold the laundry, I should be able to do more, I should get out of bed. And it goes on all day. This inner critic is continually telling us all the things that we should do.
Get Curious!
It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut. Even if it’s simple things like going shopping at the same grocery store every week, or eating the same breakfast cereal every morning. We tend to find things that are working for us and just continue. Or we can get stuck in repetitive thinking patterns that have just become habits. We may be stuck in thinking things like, “I’ll be sick forever”, or “I’ll never find a good guy/girl”, or “Life is just so hard”.
Are you Trying Too Hard?
Our lives are full of ups and downs, adventures and challenges. Whether it’s health challenges, financial difficulties, or watching those we love struggle, we want to jump in “fix the problem”.
Finding Your Happy Place
So often we can think “I need a vacation”, or “I just wish I could go to that beautiful place”, and feel like we’re missing out. One of the beautiful things about rewiring our brain is that the brain really doesn’t know the difference between whether we’re imagining or if the event is happening in real life.