As the holiday season approaches, this is an opportune time to pause and rethink our approach to the festive rush. Often we find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of “must-dos” and “should-dos,” which can quickly lead to burnout. But what if we could transform the holiday hustle into a time of genuine joy, connection, and peace?

Here are some practical tips for doing just that. And these strategies aren’t just for the holidays; they’re life skills we can harness at any time.
List your obligations
Start by writing down all the things you believe you need to do. This list might include everything from your children’s school activities to preparing for family gatherings. The list will most likely be long. Acknowledge the weight of these expectations.
Reclaim your choices
Look at your list and before each task write “I choose.” For instance, “I choose to bake cookies for the neighbors” or “I choose to decorate the house.” This is a simple but powerful exercise that helps you to recognize that these are choices, not obligations, shifting the feelings from that of pressure to one that allows you to take control of your holiday activities.
Connect with your “why”
The next step is to add a “because” to each choice. Your reasons might range from genuine pleasure and value, to mere obligation. Understanding your motivation is crucial because it helps you identify what’s truly important to you.
Prioritize what matters
Now, review your list again. Decide what you genuinely want to continue doing this holiday season. This step is about aligning your actions with what brings you the most joy, connection, and peace.

Include your family in this reflective process. Ask them what they value most about the holiday season. You might be surprised. Often, what we assume is important to our family may not be their priority at all. This conversation can help you all to align your holiday plans with what’s truly meaningful to each person.
By adopting this mindful approach, not only do we set the stage for a more fulfilling holiday season, but we also model important life skills for our children. We teach them to question their actions and to prioritize their well-being and happiness.
The holidays don’t have to be filled with the pressure of doing it all. By practicing this approach, we create a holiday season that’s more about being present and less about doing all the things. By planning ahead and making thoughtful choices we can prioritize joy, connection, and peace.
No matter where you are in your wellness journey, know that I’m here cheering you on.
If I can be of any help, feel free to contact me. I offer a free 30 minute discovery session and would love to talk – no strings attached.