Look around and see what a wonderful time of year this is! A time of brilliant colors and fall celebrations. It’s a time of letting go and welcoming change. Soon there will be shorter days, colder nights, and bare trees.
Nature is slowing down for a time of rest and focusing on the essentials of what is needed to get through the long winter.
What we see in nature is a wonderful metaphor as we go through the seasons of our own lives. Autumn is a time for identifying, releasing, and letting go of the things that we no longer need as we move into winter and then eventually into the new growth of spring.
In our own lives, often we’ve been holding on to old fears, habits, patterns and beliefs because they feel comfortable. It’s just the way that things have always been.
However when we slow down and take a closer look, we begin to notice that many of those things are no longer serving us and perhaps are even standing in the way of moving forward into the life that we want to lead.

Imagine if the trees never lost their leaves. Yes, they would look green and full all year round, but they wouldn’t have the chance to grow new leaves. If they continued to clutch the old, they wouldn’t have the space or the energy to grow new leaves – new ideas, new projects, new beliefs, new joys.
I invite you to take some time in the next few days to go for a walk in nature; to identify and to release some of the old patterns that you’re ready to let go of. Or if it’s more comfortable, to sit at a park or in your yard, or even to visualize this exercise. Bring a journal or some paper to answer some questions as you go through this process.
Carve out some special time for yourself. Be generous with your time so you’re not rushed and can fully relax. Choose a place that is quiet and peaceful.
Sit in a comfortable place and allow yourself to be fully present. Take a few minutes to let go of any thoughts or worries that you may have brought with you. Take in several deep breaths as you fully relax and breathe in the fresh autumn air.
Allow your mind to think about:
What in your life currently feels heavy?
What habits or patterns leave you feeling tired, overwhelmed, or burdened?
What thoughts or situations are most weighing you down right now?
Write down whatever comes up for you. Take some deep breaths and create a list of three things that you are ready to release, surrender, or let go of. These three things should be something that you truly know you’re ready to let go of; things that are no longer serving you even though they may be comfortable patterns. Feel free to start small or to go big, whatever feels right for you.
Find three pebbles or small rocks. These pebbles will represent the three things that you are ready to let go of. Take a few moments to get clear about what these pebbles mean and what you are ready to release. Hold the pebble in your hand, feeling it as you clearly identify what it represents. Say to yourself, “This rock represents my fear of …” or “This rock represents my relationship patterns with…”
Now go on a mindful walk. Allow your mind to welcome the awareness of how each of your rocks have impacted your life. Yes, in the past perhaps this rock has been helpful in moving through life’s challenges, but recognize the ways that it’s now holding you back from the dreams of how you want to live your life. Then, as you’re ready, drop each rock, really feeling the release of those old patterns. Depending on where you are, you may want to throw your rock in the water, or off a cliff, or deep into the trees. Or you may want to reverently set it down with respect and honor for the journey that has brought you to this place. Take a few moments here to feel into your heart as you commit to releasing these things.
Now take a few minutes to write down an action step for each of your three things. This could be as simple as commitment to a time of daily self care, or making a phone call to schedule some connection with a friend. No matter how small, putting your commitment into action will help you to begin the journey of letting go of the old and moving forward towards your new vision.
I’m scheduling some time today to get out and practice this exercise. I already have some thoughts bouncing around in my head and looking forward to spending some time thinking them through.
If you do this, whether getting out for a walk or visualizing in your mind, I’d love to hear what comes up for you.