We live in a fast, busy culture. It’s easy to find ourselves doing several activities at the same time and trying to juggle how to keep them all going. We fall into the thinking that if I can just get more done in a shorter amount of time, then I can finally relax and be able to reduce my stress level.

Ironically, this type of multitasking is actually one of the biggest contributors to stress. The pressure of switching back and forth across several different tasks causes pressure and anxiety, not to mention fatigue, which makes it even more difficult to continue our tasks and stay focused. When we’re operating without focus we’re most likely to slip into those old unhelpful stress patterns or we might participate in those old habitual behaviors that we know are not in our best interest.
When the limbic system gets triggered in this way, we continue to feed and strengthen those old stress loops in the brain. The best way to deal with these ongoing stress loops is to slow down and focus fully in the present moment. When we are fully here in the present moment we’re able to let go of the regrets of the past as well as the anxieties about the future, and fully relax into the calm of the now.
Easier said than done, right? Here are a few tools to get you started:
1. Focus on breath. Several times during your day, stop and take several slow deep breaths. If it’s helpful, visualize breathing in peace and calm, and breathing out stress and worry. I focus more on the calming power of the breath in my free Stress Less, Enjoy More workshop. If you haven’t done the workshop yet, I invite you to give it a try. Lots of great information and tools!
2. Connect with the earth. This is also known as grounding. Become aware of how you connect with the earth. Whether it’s your feet on the ground, your bottom in the chair, or your back laying in the bed, feel the firm support of the earth beneath you

3. Listen. Find a quiet place and listen to a piece of music or the sounds of nature. There are many options available on YouTube. If you notice any unexpected background noises (kids, dogs, airplanes), let go of judgment and come back to focusing on the music.
4. Repeat a favorite affirmation or mantra, or try just humming. My favorite affirmations are, “I am present. I am at peace. I have the power to choose.” By repeating these phrases, I can remind myself to be present in the moment, let go of any worries or ruminating thoughts and that I have the ability to choose my thoughts moving forward.
Or you could try combining a few of the techniques. For me, nothing is more powerful than when I close my eyes and take in three slow, deep breaths while repeating my three affirmations.
I’d love to hear from you if you try any of these and hear how they work for you! And don’t forget to check out the free Stress Less, Enjoy More workshop!