How much time do you spend wishing you had “enough”?
- enough time to get everything on your to-do list done
- enough energy to catch up with the housecleaning
- enough money to get all the bills paid and maybe even take a little vacation
- enough sleep to actually feel rested and energized
And the list goes on and on. What other “enough” things are you wishing for?
The funny thing is that when we’re spending our lives wishing for “enough”, we’re in essence complaining about the present moment. The present moment just isn’t good enough to enjoy right now, the way it is. Without realizing it, we can be stuck in disappointment and miss all the fun of the right now.
I know I’ve had times in my life when I believed that I’d be happy when I… finished college, got a good job, got married, had kids, and on and on. The present just wasn’t good enough.
If you’re doing a neural retraining program, you know that when we’re stuck in “not enough”, our limbic system (the brain’s alarm system) is triggered by the thought that we’re not safe and our body releases stress chemicals. We can get stuck in fear and stress instead of being able to live the full life that we’d like to be living.

What would happen if we just decided that I have not only enough of what I need to get me through the day, but I have an abundance. It may not be as much as I want, but it is more than enough. If we can set aside the worry, stress, and frustration of not having all that we want, we can actually find joy in the moment. And isn’t that what we really want?
In this week of Thanksgiving in the US, I encourage you to take some time to recognize the abundance that’s all around us. However you celebrate (or if you don’t celebrate at all) I wish you a wonderful time of joy and connection this week with family and friends.
Best wishes!