There’s nothing quite so refreshing as being out in nature. In California, we’ve been waiting for the fires to clear, so today was the first time I’ve been able to get out for quite a while. It’s easy to forget how powerful it can be.
There are so many great benefits to being outdoors. The very act of being in nature promotes mindfulness. The inherent ‘peace and quiet’ of natural environments can help to clear your mind of unnecessary worries and reduce feelings of stress. You can walk away feeling refreshed. It promotes gratitude and feelings of amazement and awe, which allow the release of the positive neurotransmitter seratonin. And of course, it opens up opportunities for socialization and connection with those who are joining us.
Nature also provides an opportunity for whatever movement is right for each individual. For some, it may be a stroll on the beach, for others it may be a walk around the block, or it can be as peaceful as sitting for a quiet conversation on a park bench. For some, it may mean eyeing the view from a bedroom window or even enjoying the company of a favorite house plant. And of course, there are always YouTube videos and nature shows that can take us to amazing and wonderful places.
Whatever it is for you, make a plan to get some nature this week. I’d love to hear back from what you chose, and of course, pictures are always welcome!

And, a reminder! My new course will be released next week – Meditation for Beginners and Beyond is a 21 day online course that combines meditation and neuroplasticity that allows you to rewire your brain to be able to take the relaxation of meditation with you throughout your day. Keep an eye out for next week’s Monday Motivation – I’ll be providing a discount coupon just for VIP Club members!
If you’re looking for some tools to allow you to let go of being stuck in stress and to find the joy, I’d love to talk with you about how I can help. I offer a free 30 minute call. Feel free to schedule an appointment here. I’d love to connect!