Our brain is absolutely amazing. The more we understand it and how it works, the better we’re able to make choices and decisions that support us and allow us to reach our goals. But as amazing as it is, sometimes it can just get stuck. The brain’s main function is to keep us safe, so one of it’s functions is to look ahead and trouble shoot for all the things that could go wrong in order to come up with a plan.
I really saw this recently. We were evacuated a few weeks ago because of a forest fire here in California. The first thing my brain did was to go to “what if…” the house burns down, we loose everything, don’t have enough insurance, the kids go bonkers, etc. As you could imagine, my brain was working overtime, stuck in all the terrible possibilities.

We were fortunate to be able to stay with some friends those first few days. We were safe, and just needed to wait it out. I realized that if my brain was playing the “what if…” game in search of things that could go wrong, maybe I could redirect it to playing “what if…” things go amazingly in our favor. “What if…” we had a wonderful time staying with our friends (like a big sleepover with late night stories and laughs around the firepit), and the fire was stopped and our house was safe.
Stressing out over things that never even came to happen could have ruined our wonderful time – what a waste it would have been! I realized how often I’ve gotten stuck in those negative stress-filled thinking patterns, and missed out on so many great opportunities for fun and connection. And, all those terrible “what if…” scenarios never even happened – the house was just fine.
So in what areas is your brain on alert for all the things that could go wrong? What if you switch it around and start thinking of all the crazy things that could happen if things went incredibly right? Trust me, it’s a whole lot more fun!
If you’re feeling trapped in those “what if…” things go wrong thought patterns, know that it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re looking for some tools to allow you to let go of being stuck in stress and to find the joy, I’d love to talk with you about how I can help. I offer a free 30 minute call. Feel free to schedule an appointment here. I’d love to connect!